Eastern Sierra
United Methodist Church
Sharing God's love to the people of the Eastern Sierra
Bishop First UMC * Big Pine Community UMC * Pioneer Memorial UMC (Independence)
Three Churches - One Mission
Downslope from the majestic Sierra lie three churches established by Methodist Circuit Riders. Since 1871, these churches, spread along the Owen's Valley, have been living into our mission of open minds, open hearts, and open doors. True to our pioneer roots, we are people who value community, individuality, and inclusivity. We recognize that what makes each person unique also makes them valuable and this diversity adds to the overall health and wellbeing of both our church and our community. We are a group of people, all at different places on our spiritual journey, gathering together to learn, question, and walk in the footsteps of Christ.
Here questions are encouraged, burdens are shared, and there is always enough food to go around.
You are welcome here!
Worship with Us
Bishop First UMC
205 N Fowler
Bishop, CA 93514
In-personWorship and Livestream
Followed by Fellowship Hour
Communion served on the first Sunday of each month - all are welcome!
Community UMC
313 Crocker St
Big Pine, CA 93513
In-Person Worship followed by Fellowship Hour
1st Sunday - Communion
2nd Sunday - Pot Luck
4th Sunday - Birthday Cake
Pioneer Memorial UMC
157 N Washington
Independence, CA 93526
In-Person Worship followed by Fellowship Hour
1st Sunday - Communion